Scheduled maintaince
- Lube, oil & filter $24.99
- Maintenance inspection $75.00
- Tire rotation $20.00
Brake Services
- Brake fluid flush $49.99
- Front disc brakes 89.99
- Rear disc brakes 89.99
- Brake inspection free
- Comprehensive vehicle inspection 75.00
- Cooling system inspection $69.99
- State Motor Vehicle inspection $37.00
Other Services
- Wheel alignment 89.99
- Crankcase flush $12.99
- Fuel injector cleaning $79.99
- Replace serpentine belt $59.99
- Replace timing belt $124.99
- Wheel balancing $48.00

Please note: Costs may vary for some makes and models.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Environmental discharge and sales tax are extra.